This week we’ll be continuing our tour of the Halystrian Empire with the province of Modonia. The island province of Modonia lies in the Suthran Sea, some fifty miles off the southern shore of the Empire. It’s closest neighbors are Bythnia to the northwest and Abydia to the northeast. Modonia’s distance from the mainland has brought it a degree of cultural and political independence from the rest of the Empire. As the preeminent naval power in the Empire, Modonia is responsible for the guarding of her coasts and the many merchant vessels that frequent the ports of Abydia.
The island of Modonia is over a hundred miles in length, making it by far the largest island on the southern shore of Purovus. The island is mountainous, with little arable land, and is often battered by intemperate storms. Despite the island’s size, the province of Modonia is the smallest in the Empire by land area. The province’s area of governance includes several satellite islands and a few distant isles in the Suthran Sea. Modonian ships are constantly plowing the waves of the Suthran Sea, protecting their sovereign waters against bands of Brithondian and Fastetian pirates.
Modonia was one of the last regions to capitulate to the Halystrian Empire. Their naval prowess and the relative inexperience of the Imperials at sea gave the Modonians some astounding victories. The Modonian population was too small to resist the Empire forever, the Emperor was so impressed by the Modonian resistance, that he permitted the Modonian king to keep his title. The Modonian royal line still rules the isle, performing the regular duties of both governor and magistrate on behalf of the Emperor. Modonia is thus technically not a province, but a subject state. The Empire is given its due, but largely trusts the Modonians to handle their own affairs. The Senate understands the importance of the sea, but have little knowledge or interest in its ways, and thus the Modonians enjoy very limited imperial oversight.
Besides being a naval power, Modonia is also an important religious center. Modonia holds the holiest shrines to the goddess Danuliel, who rules over the waters. The Modonians honor Danuliel as their patroness, and worship her and Orantos above all other gods. Several of their beliefs would likely be considered heretical if spoken at the temple in Parthicum, but Modonia is far from the heart of the Empire.
The Modonian capital of Syrca lies at the foot of Modon’s Spire, the tallest mountain on the island. Modon the mariner was the legendary father of the Modonian people and their first king. It was he who laid the foundations of Syrca on the north side of the great mountain, where it would be sheltered from the violent storms that were born in the warm waters of the south. Syrca remains the primary settlement on the island, and is the only one larger than a small village. The famed Modonian shipwrights practice their craft in Syrca, and it is through Syrca’s docks that all the treasures of the sea pass. Modonia imports grain from the mainland, mostly from Abydia, along with some manufactured products. In return, the province exports fish and shellfish, pearls, purple dye, and salt. The most coveted Modonian export is their fish sauce, a fermented mixture of certain ingredients known only to the Modonians, but a condiment which has taken the Empire by storm.
Outside of Syrca, most Modonian villages sport shepherds who escort their sheep across the island’s scrubby slopes, and harbor a healthy fishing community. Modonia is one of the poorer provinces, but its wealth is spread among the freemen as well as the few noble families. It is unique among the provinces for having no serfs and few slaves. In this sense, Modonia is one of the most equitable provinces, despite still retaining its monarch.
The Sensiahd word of the day is “mathurin”, meaning “sea”. Example sentence: Ys tu clyws eth therun ar eth marthurin? Do you hear the waves on the sea?